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Página para colorir golfinho

Página para colorir golfinho
Página para colorir golfinho
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golfinho - Imagens para a escola e educação

Categoria: Página para colorir Animais na água > golfinho

Palavras-chave: golfinho , ,

Image information

Used with permission - Copyright Wyland Foundation.
All Rights Reserved

Artist Wyland has been a leading advocate for marine resource conservation
for nearly three decades. An accomplished painter,
sculptor, and photographer, he is perhaps best known for his Whaling Walls,
a series of more than ninety-four life-size marine life murals in
twelve countries that are seen by a billion people every year. His Wyland
Foundation, in partnership with the Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, is actively engaged in teaching millions of students around
the world to become caring, informed stewards of our oceans, rivers,
lakes, streams, and wetlands. To learn more about the work of this
fascinating artist, visit

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